Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Year...New Adventures

Wow! I can't believe that my time here is flying right on by. I have been so busy these past few months that I have been falling behind on updating my life here. I feel like I need to take time out to write things down, especially because I'm on the last stretch of my contract. Even if I just write things down so I can remember them when I'm good and old, and forget things (more than I do now) haha. My mom just started a blog and I think that she has just as many posts as I do--so I'm really going to try and step up my blogging game.

So much has happened since the last time I wrote, Halloween, Performance, my 25th Birthday, Christmas, New Years and the end of the school year. Halloween here at CiS was huge. The kids really get into it as do the Korean supervisors. We stayed late the Friday before Halloween and we turned our gym into a haunted house--and it was crazy. The haunted house was great, the gym was covered in black trash bags, so it was pitch black and there were things hanging from the ceiling, balloons to be popped and tunnels and caves. It was great, and man did we scare those kids. There were ghosts, zombies and werewolves out on the loose there--it was great fun and some kids were really scared. I couldn't believe that we're scaring little kids like that, but at the same time they really enjoyed their whole experience of haunted house, trick-or-treating, and playing games! What a fun way to wrap up October.

Scary Starfish Class.
My beautiful starfish class rocked their performance and they were adorable! They sang, California Dreamin', California Girls, and Surfin U.S.A. It was about a little vacation to the beautiful golden coast. It was such a production, they had costumes, official microphones, backgrounds, photographers and  choreography. It was crazy, they are 5 years old and my class put on a 15 minute musical. They memoriezed lines, lyrics, spots and dance moves. They worked so hard and they looked adorable in their costumes--I felt like such a proud stage mom. They were adorable! It was a lot of work to get it all together, and there were endless practices and it paid off. It was a very interesting and rewarding experience to see my students so proud of themselves and how hard they worked!

Part 1 of our performance, this was our last practice before the big day!!

My 25th Birthday was very memorable. It was the first time that I truly felt homesick but I think it was because of all the holidays that were coming up. I was excited for my birthday but it wasn't going to be the same without my family and friends back home, but thankfully I met some pretty awesome people here that really made me feel special. I'm truly blessed with amazing family and friends, my mom put together a birthday box for me and it even had party plates, banners, napkins and forks. Also in the box were presents and cards from various family and friends. It was sooo sweet and I loved reading and opening eveything from such kind and thoughtful people. My mom is the best! ( Ihave some pretty great family and friends too!) I received other packages from my besties Hannah and Christina, it was so sweet! I got cards, cakes, beautiful flowers and a present from my lovely Starfish class. It was a real birthday celebration and it didn't end there. There was dancing the night away in Seoul and a delicious bbq dinner! It was definitely a birthday I will never forget.
Delicious Cake and Beautiful Flowers.

Amy, Blair and I in Seoul for Nov. Birthday Girls.
 December was a very emotional month for me. I was feeling a little down because I wasn't going to be home for Christmas with my family and friends. And my sister was coming home this year and I heven't seen her since my Graduation. I  was really bummed about that but I got to skype my family on Christmas eve and Christmas day and it was a lot of fun. My kiddies had so much fun getting presents from Santa and watching christmas movies and singing Christmas Carols. My Christmas here was cold, fun and relaxing, celebrated with Sara, Cindy and her family. It was great to be around friends and not alone in my apt. I also did a bit of sight seeing--went to N Tower--it was soo pretty up there. New Years was a lot of fun a bunch of us got a really nice suite in Seoul and spent 2 fun days there, our suite was beautiful and I got to spend my NYE in Seoul with great people and good times. There were sooo many foreigners at the club we went to that for a second I forgot that I was in Korea haha. It was so unbelievably crowded, now I remember why I don't like to go to clubs on NYE. I had a great time and I'm thankful once again to my amazing parents for sending me an amazing Christmas box full of goodies. My parents definitely spoil me, I never thought that they would send me so many awesome care packages.. I should've moved here a long time ago haha j/k mama ;)
Starfish Class with the "other Santa" (Emma's mom)
N Tower
@ Club Naked with Daniel and Trevor
@ Club Naked with Cindy and Sandra
Such a fun Weekend! 

 It's been crazy adventure thus far and I can't wait to see what lies ahead in the upcoming months. I get a new class tomorrow and that should be interesting and a real treat--I'm sad I won't get to be with my Starfish class everyday but I'm excited to meet and love my new classes. Here's to a great last 6 months here!

“Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.” ~Dr. Seuss

Monday, October 3, 2011

its been awhile...

It’s been a long time since I’ve had the time to write, but my mom has been harassing me about it haha! In her defense I get to share all of my fun things with her over the phone, and she thinks that I should share with everyone else—and well I agree!

Work has been really busy right now. I officially have a kindergarten class in the mornings and then 2 classes in the afternoon, so I’m busy with work, grading and lesson plans. I really enjoy my job, my coworkers and of course my cute kiddies. They are so precious and they’re all helping make my time here great. We have a big performance coming up in November and so we have been working hard at that, and my Starfish class is definitely going to rock it. We’re going to sing California themed songs; California Dreamin’, California Girls and Surfin’ U.S.A and they are performing a mini-musical. I’m so proud of them and how fast they are learning their lines, the lyrics and the dance moves.

These kindergartners (my Starfish class) are 6 years old (American 5 years) and 2nd year English learners and their learning ability and the things that they have to do blows my mind. Yet, they do it with no problem; they read, write complete sentences without help, add/subtract and complete multiple workbooks. They are so smart, funny sweet, caring and loving! 

My other 2 classes are fun too! My ESL 1 (1st yr learners—1st & 2nd grade) class is doing great; they are all almost all speaking in complete sentences, able to read small storybooks and write sentences. I really enjoy them and they are so much fun, I’m proud of how much they have improved since I have been here. My BCG4 class is the challenging one, there are only 3 boys in that class and they are more worried about their angry birds and video games but they are getting better with their written and spoken grammar so that makes me pretty happy!  They are fun to talk to because they speak well and we can have some pretty funny conversations. 

I’ve gone and done a few cool things these past couple months besides the normal routine. I’ve gone: to an Island off the West Coast of Korea, white water rafting with some coworkers, an amusement park, an aquarium, museums and a palace. And even got to go home and see my family and friends at the end of July. SO these past few months have been great!

Here are some great pictures from a few of the things I’ve done:
In CA for my God-Daughter Malina's 1st b-day (July 2011)

jenny and I in partner in crime this week and bestie always
Incheon Island--layed out and dug for clams and oysters
So beautiful where we went rafting--not on this part of the river but close..
CiS teachers/supervisors--after some fun Rafting and swimming in the Lake
Some cute little jellyfish at the Aquarium...

At the Deoksusung Palace
Learned how to write my name in Korean
Starfish Class on Chuseok, (Korean Thanksgiving) wearing their traditional attire
Starfish Class rockin' California Girls <3

"But Jesus looked at them and said to them, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."  --Matthew 19:26

Monday, June 6, 2011

My Busy life...

So these past few weeks I have been staying busy with work and traveling. I went to a music street festival, it was pretty cool the bars were packed with foreigners and acoustic music and cheap drinks. I got to go to a River for the weekend, BBQ, beer pong and soju drinking games with a couple coworkers and a Korean teacher and her Korean friends. It was a fun weekend and It was really beautiful. I have never been on a speedboat or tubing or anything cool like that. So I got to do that and just be out of the city and enjoying some good food and good times.

So I have seen many different things, people and places in my short amount of time here. I think that I am blessed to have been surrounded by such great and fun people. I am also pretty fortunate that I live in a city that has somewhat of a foreign population, a lot of military and teachers in the area. So when I go downtown and walk through the market not everyone is Korean (not that it’s a bad thing, but at times an overwhelming thing). I miss seeing a variety of people, all shapes, sizes and colors. Here it can be pretty repetitive, but thankfully there are 10 foreign teachers at my school alone, so that really helps break it up. Coming from LA--where everyone is so different to here can at times transmit a sort of culture shock for me.

The hardest part to get used to here is all the staring. These people stare at you like you are an alien, it’s pretty crazy. Now, if I were back home I would say something to them, but here they wouldn't understand or they would think I am the rudest person that they have ever met. I know I am tall, tan, crazy hair and not skinny--facts I will openly state, but sometimes they stare at me like "Do you know what you look like?" why yes, yes I do haha. It doesn't hurt my feelings, it’s just annoying. I have come to a point especially if they are people my age that when they stare at me I stare right back and they don't really like that, for the most part. Haha

But being here right now is honestly exactly where I am supposed to be. Yeah I miss my family and friends back home, but I know they love me and are always there for me, holding on to that thought and the faith that I have in Jesus helps me through the days or moments of doubt of myself and my decision I have made. The letters, emails, Skype phone sessions or just even little mentions on Face book—mean more to me now than ever before SO thank you friends for the moments of encouragement and love!
Peace and Love :)

"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart."- Elizabeth Foley

ps. I finally got my alien card, so I am no longer an illegal citizen haha and I even got a phone (a pretty cool one at that!)

only in korea.

So there are some things here that I have never seen anywhere else--some acts of kindness, some rude and some just downright strange!

-So the kind:  that they treat their elderly with so much kindness and respect (as far as I have seen). For example: we are on a crowded subway or bus and an old woman comes on, a younger person will get up and offer them their seats. Its pretty kind, something I would never expect because for the most part they are rude.

-They are very impatient people, like I was on a crowded subway and when getting up from my subway seat to get off people just saw me motioning to get my stuff and they rushed to sit down, didn't even give me a chance to stand up that was so irritating I was like excuse me, can you give me a second to get up and they just kept pushing so I just stood my ground for a second so they couldn't sit haha. That's what they get for being impatient haha.

-Strange: 1. the other day I was walking home from the Market (downtown) and I saw a little kid walking his pet which I thought was his dog but I was wrong, he had his cat on a leash. Never in my life have I seen that one haha.
2. Okay so you know how you can buy fruit from people out of their vans or trucks especially in where we used to live in La Puente...normally it’s the best oranges or fruit. Well they have that here but as they are driving through your neighborhood they are announcing it over an intercom thing. The first time I heard it, I thought we were under attack or something no joke. I don't speak Korean, so how was I supposed to know he was saying fresh fruit haha Man, and you cannot escape those guys! I guess only in Korea.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

1 Month down.

(National Korean Musuem)
Man time seems to be flying by! I have been here a month already it's pretty crazy. I pretty much work all day long so by the time I get home its about 8pm and after about 10 hours of teaching kids all I really want to do is eat dinner and relax maybe once I get used to this schedule I will want to go out during the week but its a good way to save money! We had a couple days off this month during the week which was nice. Our first one was Childrens Day (compare it to Mothers/Fathers Day--something we should adopt in the U.S haha), and it fell on Cinco De Mayo so a couple of us went to Seoul and had some mexican food, it was pretty good not as good as my moms but good, and Margaritas it was a fun day. That was actually my first time down to Seoul and we went to a city called Iteawon and its jam packed with foreigners its like walking the streets in LA or something, there was a taco bell, quiznos and starbucks on like every corner, so it was fun.

We had another holiday this past tuesday for Buddha's birthday and so I got to experience a little Korean culture and we went to the National Museum of Korea, and that place was huge at least 2x bigger then the Getty in LA, had a nice time it was good to see other things besides party places haha. Even got to eat at Papa Johns, and it was sooo good tasted just like back home. I went to a DJ festival last weekend which was a lot of fun, everyone was just dancing, drinking and having a good time I am really glad that it worked out and I was able to go.

(a little decoration in my apt.)
--I bought some wall stickers to put up on my walls, thought it was going to be just on big sticker you put on, definitely not the case. Had to put it together piece by piece but I really like the way it turned out :) It perfect spot I am going to hang up any cards or pictures I get from Home here.

I am having a good time, learning a lot--not just about another culture but I am learning a lot about myself. It can be challenging at times, because in the end I'm by myself. Sure, I have made friends and they are all great but in reality I am here alone and I am so grateful to be a believer becuase I would be so lost without Gods love and strength. Everthing happens in Gods time and in his way so that is how I know this is the right thing and right place for met to be right now. God's love and grace are more then enough for me and really help me get through everything. I am thankful! Peace and Love :)

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My apartment.

So a quick note-I am finally all unpacked and organized. All thats missing is my pictures to decorate my walls and maybe a couple other things that I can buy here to make it look a little fancier. Here are some pics!

 (My kitchen and bathroom)
 (Bathroom--yes that is my shower there is a drain in the floor)
(My studio apartment <3 )
 (My laundry room and washer & Drying rack)
 (My wardrobe)
(Desk, dressers and book case)

I dont really have any complaints, everything works--the only thing I have not mastered is the floor heater, but at least I have hot water haha! Peace and Love.

Friday, April 22, 2011

What a week!

Blog:  What a week!
Whoa! Sooo many things to get used to and there is still so much to learn. This is going to probably be my longest post because I have been slacking but I’ve been trying to adjust to everything.  So, I started work on Monday which was really nice and so far I really like it here.  My first day was just an observation day, I watched a kindergarten class and that was fun, the stuff they do here compared to the states is so crazy. Their curriculum here is tough, and I think about kindergarteners I know back home and these kids blow them out of the water and they are learning all of this stuff in another language. Not knocking those I know back in the states—but it just opens my eyes to see how advanced academically Korea is compared to America, we really need to get it together back home J Anyways , that’s a whole other story, back to the important stuff me! Hahaha
So right now I do not have a kindergarten class, but I feel that will soon change—right now in the mornings I just prepare for my classes, and serve as a sub for the teachers that are absent. I do get to teach gym (PE) 3 days a week which is fun. The kids are super cute and so loving, and just like any 4-5-6 yr old a little crazy at times. They get 30 minutes to run around in a room, we play games like red light green light, duck duck goose,  tag and a game called fishy fishy, which they love. Basically its 30 minutes where they get to run around and get a break from the crazy work that they do. Crazy thing here compared to the states is that the students are very expressive toward one another, they hug, hold hands, give kisses on the cheek and constantly express their love for one another—gender doesn’t matter its sweet, there is a lot of love here and not really bullying, it creates a calmer work place. Also in Korea teachers can hug and tell their students they love them, hold their hands, much more touching compared to America.
I teach 3 classes in the afternoon. My first class which I have every day is an ESL class (8-10 yrs) and they are very new to English, this is their first year in English school and so their vocabulary is very low, but we as teachers have to encourage English only-they are not supposed to speak Korean in Class. If there is a big problem there are Korean supervisors/teachers aides that will help you translate if there is a problem and they talk to the parents for you as well.  Anyways, my first day teaching was great, the students liked me and they are diligent workers, but in this class one little boy was like teacher your leg fat and he kept raising his hand and saying look Alexandra teacher your leg big, you big and I mean obviously I am a bigger girl so it doesn’t hurt my feelings, especially cause generally kids have no filter so it didn’t bother me but he kept saying it over and over at this point annoying! So I finally told him no matter how many times you say that it is not going to change right? I know what I look like and it doesn’t really bother me so it shouldn’t bother you so how about we don’t talk to Alexandra teacher like that anymore it is not nice, and he said okay no more.  I’m sure it will come up again but so far so good haha.  I did have a crier on my first day in this class too, I felt horrible but I guess it was misunderstanding. He is an extremely shy boy and he thought he was in trouble but he was not he just did not understand me and I talked to my Korean supervisor and she talked to him and explained what happened and everything is cool now. But I thought oh great I made someone cry on my 1st day, I felt really bad but other teachers were telling me that it happens all the time—because they just don’t understand sometimes.
My other 2 classes are very good and more advanced. I teach another ESL class but they are about 5th and 6th grade and they work very well but they definitely can talk, and I think it’s more because they probably don’t have the chance to do so in Korean school. But as long as they are talking in English it’s okay by me, they are a funny class and one of the boys definitely kept staring at me but again it’s because I am a big girl and that is virtually non-existent here, even some teachers here are really skinny by American standards and they still call them fat or big or whatever. Anyways, my supervisor told me that this class really likes me, they think I am a nice, cool and fun teacher, hopefully they don’t get too rowdy, have to crack the whip every now and then to show them who is the boss haha. My 3rd class is probably the quietest but they have the most work so honestly they do not have a choice. They are in what is called a BC class and they learn a set curriculum whereas ESL classes do not. BC classes learn all subjects and the parents want them to work and not play, my BC class is in 4th grade and they use American textbooks, social studies, vocabulary, and grammar science and reading comprehension, they do it all but they are very smart kids.
I finally moved into my apartment and out of the Love Motel I was apparently staying at. It was nice while it lasted but moving into my apartment makes this all seem that more real. I have yet to unpack because 1. I am tired when I get home and 2. I will probably leave it like this till I can’t find anything haha. The plan is to clean and unpack on Sunday so fingers crossed…pictures soon!
So for my first week of teaching, moving in and adjusting to everything has gone pretty smoothly for the most part-It’s gone by fairly quickly and I am thankful that everything is going smoothly!  And I know that I am safe here surrounded by God’s never ending and never failing love for me!
Peace and Love J
“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7