Monday, October 3, 2011

its been awhile...

It’s been a long time since I’ve had the time to write, but my mom has been harassing me about it haha! In her defense I get to share all of my fun things with her over the phone, and she thinks that I should share with everyone else—and well I agree!

Work has been really busy right now. I officially have a kindergarten class in the mornings and then 2 classes in the afternoon, so I’m busy with work, grading and lesson plans. I really enjoy my job, my coworkers and of course my cute kiddies. They are so precious and they’re all helping make my time here great. We have a big performance coming up in November and so we have been working hard at that, and my Starfish class is definitely going to rock it. We’re going to sing California themed songs; California Dreamin’, California Girls and Surfin’ U.S.A and they are performing a mini-musical. I’m so proud of them and how fast they are learning their lines, the lyrics and the dance moves.

These kindergartners (my Starfish class) are 6 years old (American 5 years) and 2nd year English learners and their learning ability and the things that they have to do blows my mind. Yet, they do it with no problem; they read, write complete sentences without help, add/subtract and complete multiple workbooks. They are so smart, funny sweet, caring and loving! 

My other 2 classes are fun too! My ESL 1 (1st yr learners—1st & 2nd grade) class is doing great; they are all almost all speaking in complete sentences, able to read small storybooks and write sentences. I really enjoy them and they are so much fun, I’m proud of how much they have improved since I have been here. My BCG4 class is the challenging one, there are only 3 boys in that class and they are more worried about their angry birds and video games but they are getting better with their written and spoken grammar so that makes me pretty happy!  They are fun to talk to because they speak well and we can have some pretty funny conversations. 

I’ve gone and done a few cool things these past couple months besides the normal routine. I’ve gone: to an Island off the West Coast of Korea, white water rafting with some coworkers, an amusement park, an aquarium, museums and a palace. And even got to go home and see my family and friends at the end of July. SO these past few months have been great!

Here are some great pictures from a few of the things I’ve done:
In CA for my God-Daughter Malina's 1st b-day (July 2011)

jenny and I in partner in crime this week and bestie always
Incheon Island--layed out and dug for clams and oysters
So beautiful where we went rafting--not on this part of the river but close..
CiS teachers/supervisors--after some fun Rafting and swimming in the Lake
Some cute little jellyfish at the Aquarium...

At the Deoksusung Palace
Learned how to write my name in Korean
Starfish Class on Chuseok, (Korean Thanksgiving) wearing their traditional attire
Starfish Class rockin' California Girls <3

"But Jesus looked at them and said to them, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."  --Matthew 19:26

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