Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Year...New Adventures

Wow! I can't believe that my time here is flying right on by. I have been so busy these past few months that I have been falling behind on updating my life here. I feel like I need to take time out to write things down, especially because I'm on the last stretch of my contract. Even if I just write things down so I can remember them when I'm good and old, and forget things (more than I do now) haha. My mom just started a blog and I think that she has just as many posts as I do--so I'm really going to try and step up my blogging game.

So much has happened since the last time I wrote, Halloween, Performance, my 25th Birthday, Christmas, New Years and the end of the school year. Halloween here at CiS was huge. The kids really get into it as do the Korean supervisors. We stayed late the Friday before Halloween and we turned our gym into a haunted house--and it was crazy. The haunted house was great, the gym was covered in black trash bags, so it was pitch black and there were things hanging from the ceiling, balloons to be popped and tunnels and caves. It was great, and man did we scare those kids. There were ghosts, zombies and werewolves out on the loose there--it was great fun and some kids were really scared. I couldn't believe that we're scaring little kids like that, but at the same time they really enjoyed their whole experience of haunted house, trick-or-treating, and playing games! What a fun way to wrap up October.

Scary Starfish Class.
My beautiful starfish class rocked their performance and they were adorable! They sang, California Dreamin', California Girls, and Surfin U.S.A. It was about a little vacation to the beautiful golden coast. It was such a production, they had costumes, official microphones, backgrounds, photographers and  choreography. It was crazy, they are 5 years old and my class put on a 15 minute musical. They memoriezed lines, lyrics, spots and dance moves. They worked so hard and they looked adorable in their costumes--I felt like such a proud stage mom. They were adorable! It was a lot of work to get it all together, and there were endless practices and it paid off. It was a very interesting and rewarding experience to see my students so proud of themselves and how hard they worked!

Part 1 of our performance, this was our last practice before the big day!!

My 25th Birthday was very memorable. It was the first time that I truly felt homesick but I think it was because of all the holidays that were coming up. I was excited for my birthday but it wasn't going to be the same without my family and friends back home, but thankfully I met some pretty awesome people here that really made me feel special. I'm truly blessed with amazing family and friends, my mom put together a birthday box for me and it even had party plates, banners, napkins and forks. Also in the box were presents and cards from various family and friends. It was sooo sweet and I loved reading and opening eveything from such kind and thoughtful people. My mom is the best! ( Ihave some pretty great family and friends too!) I received other packages from my besties Hannah and Christina, it was so sweet! I got cards, cakes, beautiful flowers and a present from my lovely Starfish class. It was a real birthday celebration and it didn't end there. There was dancing the night away in Seoul and a delicious bbq dinner! It was definitely a birthday I will never forget.
Delicious Cake and Beautiful Flowers.

Amy, Blair and I in Seoul for Nov. Birthday Girls.
 December was a very emotional month for me. I was feeling a little down because I wasn't going to be home for Christmas with my family and friends. And my sister was coming home this year and I heven't seen her since my Graduation. I  was really bummed about that but I got to skype my family on Christmas eve and Christmas day and it was a lot of fun. My kiddies had so much fun getting presents from Santa and watching christmas movies and singing Christmas Carols. My Christmas here was cold, fun and relaxing, celebrated with Sara, Cindy and her family. It was great to be around friends and not alone in my apt. I also did a bit of sight seeing--went to N Tower--it was soo pretty up there. New Years was a lot of fun a bunch of us got a really nice suite in Seoul and spent 2 fun days there, our suite was beautiful and I got to spend my NYE in Seoul with great people and good times. There were sooo many foreigners at the club we went to that for a second I forgot that I was in Korea haha. It was so unbelievably crowded, now I remember why I don't like to go to clubs on NYE. I had a great time and I'm thankful once again to my amazing parents for sending me an amazing Christmas box full of goodies. My parents definitely spoil me, I never thought that they would send me so many awesome care packages.. I should've moved here a long time ago haha j/k mama ;)
Starfish Class with the "other Santa" (Emma's mom)
N Tower
@ Club Naked with Daniel and Trevor
@ Club Naked with Cindy and Sandra
Such a fun Weekend! 

 It's been crazy adventure thus far and I can't wait to see what lies ahead in the upcoming months. I get a new class tomorrow and that should be interesting and a real treat--I'm sad I won't get to be with my Starfish class everyday but I'm excited to meet and love my new classes. Here's to a great last 6 months here!

“Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.” ~Dr. Seuss

1 comment:

  1. I am very proud to hear all the new and exciting things you have done in the past 9 months! Thank you for a copy of your Starfisg class did an AMAZING job with them. I can't believe we are on the downhill part of your KOREAN will be mice to have you home again, and it will be exciting to see what new adventure comes to you next. Dad and I so enjoyed out 'times' with your Starfish class too...he especially love the comment " Alexandra Teacher your dad is a handsome man"...and I will forever treasure my wonderful pictures and sign from them.

    Can't wait to get to know your new SPOT CLASS....

    i promise you will NEVER regret doing this!!!

    love you very much and VERY proud to say " Thats my daughter!"
