Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My apartment.

So a quick note-I am finally all unpacked and organized. All thats missing is my pictures to decorate my walls and maybe a couple other things that I can buy here to make it look a little fancier. Here are some pics!

 (My kitchen and bathroom)
 (Bathroom--yes that is my shower there is a drain in the floor)
(My studio apartment <3 )
 (My laundry room and washer & Drying rack)
 (My wardrobe)
(Desk, dressers and book case)

I dont really have any complaints, everything works--the only thing I have not mastered is the floor heater, but at least I have hot water haha! Peace and Love.


  1. who would have thought

    all this time all we needed to do to clean your room was have you move to SOUTH KOREA.....hahahaha

    just think howe cute it gonna look once you recieve your pictures and your poster of Matt!

    you can do some really cool thing...

    plus you can shower and clean your bathroom ALL at the same time....we need that here in the states

    by the way what floor are you on?

    cant wait to visit

    love, paupau

  2. wait...did you really get ALL you clothes in that wardrobe closet...

    open it , I wannna see hahah
