Thursday, April 14, 2011

Leaving on a jet plane

(from one of my Favorite movies! )

So its finally here, this long awaited journey officially begins today! I am all packed and ready to start this new chapter in my life. Getting to this point, of actually boarding a plane, has been a extremely long and often frustrating process but through Faith and a lot of Praying that everything would work out and well--here I am. I have decided that I am going into this new chapter in my life with an open mind, I'm sure there will be many times I want to quit or get homesick but I am just putting my faith in God that this is where and what I am supposed to be doing.

My family and friends are of them are supportive and loving--without them I would definitely be lost. I honestly feel more connected to my family and friends more then ever, all of them have just showered me with love, encouragement and prayers. And I am so thankful and blessed for everyone in my life! I thank God for this opportunity and I pray that I embrace every moment!

"Have I not commanded you? Be STRONG and COURAGEOUS! Do not be discouraged-for the LORD GOD will be with you wherever you go"--Joshua 1:9


  1. OMG...we should have sang that at the airpprt, you know how Dad LOVES to sing!

    Well Alex you did it!

    Continue to hold strong to your faith in God, He will be there for you at all times. I feel so blessed to have been able to hear your voice this morning...things that may simple diffcult now and frustaring will be one of the MANY funny stories you will have to share (or blog about) such as not being able to turn on the

    Good night to you later

    love ya lots!!!

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding Proverbs 3:5 NLT

  2. So excited for you sissy. One thing I learned early in college (especially when I was homesick) is you left your mom and dad, your friends, your home....none of those things came with you, but God did. He will be the familiarity you need when are feeling down.
