Saturday, April 16, 2011

and it begins...

So I've made it to S. Korea! I've been here for the past two days and it has definitely been an adjustment period. When I landed it was so exciting and I was thinking I can't believe it, I actually did it--I am actually here! There was a driver waiting for me at the airport, which was pretty cool--I felt pretty vip haha, and then we were on our way to my destination. I guess the teacher that I am replacing is still living in the apartment so I am staying at a hotel in Uijeongbu, when I got here I saw the guy at the front desk was wearing a University Of California sweatshirt, so I thought hey, somone will speak English here, but I was wrong haha he must of bought that sweater here or something becuase he had no idea what I was talking about.

So, I go up to my room and it was pretty nice but I seriously for the life of me could not figure out how to turn the lights on, I was so frustrated I was clapping, I pressed all the buttons, I waved infront of them and nothing. I was soo frustrated but finally I figured it out, you have to put your key into this slot and it turns everything on, the tv, computer and most importantly the lights! It was a small victory, but I was definitely feeling overwhelmed. I had a little cry and was like what am I doing here, I just want to talk to my mom but of course no wireless and my cellphone didnt work here so I was just extremely overwhelmed. I was supposed to be meeting someone here from my school,.that was another challenge to call her but I finally got in contact with her and she came with books and paperwork and instructions for me to start work on Monday and I was so tired that I just wanted to talk to my mom, really thats all I wanted haha.

Thankfully there is a computer in my room, and I was able to email her and that helped a lot but I was so overwhelmed I just cried while I wrote to her. I think the emotions finally hit me, and they hit me hard--and I think she could tell. The whole time I was home I never really cried, I was just excited to go that it didn't really sink in that I would be in another country away from my family and friends, away from my comfort zone that I have lived in my whole life. I definitely freaked out but my sister found a way to call me --and me, my mom and my sister finally got to talk to each other and that helped me so much, just to hear their voices and know that they are always available to talk to me was awesome! It was a good way to end my long day, I was so exhausted from the 12 hr flight, so I just crashed out.

I slept and slept--this time difference thing is definitely taking some time to get used too. I woke up at like 3am and was just laying there like what the crap, but 3am here is like 11am CA time. Funny story though, I woke up and looked at my phone and was like wow I slept sooo long, its like 1130am but I'm still tired so I looked out my window and it was still dark--definitely forgot to change my phone to Korea time hahaha. I finally fell back asleep but I had my window open (there is now screen but i figured Im on the 3rd floor its fine) but then I heard a sound, like someone was throwing rocks at my window and I thought I don't know anyone here they must have the wrong window, but then I heard cooing and I look and a pigeon was trying to get into my room haha A friendly visitor. Overall, my first night here went as expected, emotionally draining haha But I am so thankful to God for blessing me with this opportunity and amazing family and friends!


  1. As I sit here and read your recent post...I still can't help but smile and giggle a bit about the lights story...I can SO see you doing all those things and I am sure more to get those darn lights on!!

    I was so thankful for Laraine to figure it out so we could all talk, I was relived to hear your voice and thankful it sounded the accent is a natural assumption, look what happened to Laraine after moving to the south, and I mean really you did move to the south too...ok it may be South again I say naturally assumption!

    I know I say this for all your followers ...thank you for taking us on this journey with you

    I am also thankful to T-Mobile for my NEW international plan to call you...

    Can't wait to read about your next adventure
    LOVE YA and MISS YOU!!!

  2. Wow, fryho sounds like you had an adventure. Traveling to a diff country where they don't speak English and its a diff way of life can be so difficult. Props to u for finally figuring out the lights lol. It will take time to adjust to things, but don't give up and know that you can do all things through Christ. He has you there for a reason and knows that you'll figure everything out. Just take a breath and ask God for guidance. Love you and am proud of you. Christina

  3. Hey Alex!!!...glad that you arrived in Korea safely. Wow! Well I guess your "adventure" has truLy begun :)

    Just from the short period of time that we have shared getting to know each other, I know that you are a very strong and confident person. Equipped with your faith and the love for teaching will no doubt rise above and exceed all expectations.

    Embrace life my friend, we only have one chance to live our lives to the fullest and korea for you is just the beginning..your first stepping stone.

    I wish you the best. You are always in my prayers. Have fun with your new "adventure".... And keep us posted ... Write to you soon.....

    Lots of love, Mary
