Thursday, March 31, 2011


So I received my flight itinerary last night! I guess it doesn't get more official then that, well until I'm actually boarding the plane. This is so crazy! I leave in 2 weeks and feel like there is so much still I need to do before I leave, so many people to see and things to buy.

AGHHHH 2 weeks is just not enough time ha ha, but I guess I've known for over a month that I'm leaving. I think I just put it off as long as possible because I think I've been waiting for something to happen and it not to work out, but truly my Faith in God that this was going to work out in his time paid off. Now my ticket has been bought and it's as real as it gets. I am overwhelmed with so many different emotions but I'm ready!

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who Love God and are called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Uijeongbu, South Korea

(This is a picture of Uijeongbu, South Korea from the summit Cheongbo Mountain.)

So for those of you who have not heard I'm moving to South Korea for about 12-15 months! I have so many emotions about this exciting new journey in my life but overall I am thankful to God for blessing me with such supportive family and friends.

Teaching is something I have always wanted to do since I can honestly remember, and teaching in a foreign country was always the ultimate goal. I wanted to teach in South Africa because I felt that was the place to go (and maybe one day I will) but after talking to my roommate Andrea and researched it more I felt like this would be a perfect fit. Andrea really encouraged me to go for it, she went to S. Korea to teach and when we would talk she would tell me how perfect I was for it and she thought it would be a great place for me. So she referred me to a recruiting program, I applied and got in but it was still a long process from there. I had to get so many documents for my Visa before they would even submit my application to any schools: resumes, passport, criminal background checks, fingerprints, transcripts, diplomas and  blood samples--OK OK not that far but seriously felt like that was what they were going to ask for next. The longest part was getting my Diploma and that came with a lot of financial obstacles with my School but through a lot of prayer and hard work, my school handed it over to me and I finally had everything I needed to apply for schools.

Now the scary part began! Now that I had all my paperwork in order it was becoming more and more of a reality, that I will actually be moving to S. Korea not to another city or state but another Country away from my family and friends and it was very real. So the next step was to apply to schools and this happened a lot faster then I thought it would, I had 2 requests: 1. I couldn't go until after my basketball season was over and 2. I had to be in a city or close to it--no farm land for this girl! So my recruiter found this listing and it was kinda perfect, 20 min. outside of Seoul and there are about 10 foreign teachers at this school (I'm considered foreign teacher). The next day she emailed me and told me that they were extremely interested in me and wanted to interview me that same day. I was super nervous & didn't want to tell anyone but ended up telling my parents and siblings--I think I just didn't want to get my hopes up, especially because it was my very first interview and I was really nervous. The school told me they would let me know the next day or so and I don't think I have ever checked my email that much in my life! Well 2 days came and went and I was a little bummed because I had not heard anything back yet from the school so I just assumed I didn't get it, then the weekend flew by and I was determined to find out either way so I emailed my recruiter and the next day she emailed me back and said I got the job! OMG- I thought this is really happening.

I was super excited but was still hesitant to tell anyone because I still needed to make sure of one more thing, so I only told my mom and of course she cried, but I made her promise not to tell anyone even my Dad. I just wanted to be absolutely sure before I went and told everyone. So I officially found out last Wednesday and wanted to make sure I told my parents, brother & sister first since they have been the most supportive in this adventure. Then I started telling my besties, coworkers, my team (well my Dad blew that one ha ha) and the rest of my family, I really wanted to do it in my own time and own way, I wanted it to seem more personal since it's honestly a major life change :)  So now I have to get my visa and plane ticket and I will be on my way around April 17th and it will be here faster then I hope I'm sure! I can't wait to share this experience with my family and friends, all the good and bad times, the laughter and the tears. Everyone has been super supportive and encouraging its so awesome and I am truly blessed to have amazing family and friends.

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..." — Dr. Seuss (Oh, the Places You'll Go!)