Sunday, May 15, 2011

1 Month down.

(National Korean Musuem)
Man time seems to be flying by! I have been here a month already it's pretty crazy. I pretty much work all day long so by the time I get home its about 8pm and after about 10 hours of teaching kids all I really want to do is eat dinner and relax maybe once I get used to this schedule I will want to go out during the week but its a good way to save money! We had a couple days off this month during the week which was nice. Our first one was Childrens Day (compare it to Mothers/Fathers Day--something we should adopt in the U.S haha), and it fell on Cinco De Mayo so a couple of us went to Seoul and had some mexican food, it was pretty good not as good as my moms but good, and Margaritas it was a fun day. That was actually my first time down to Seoul and we went to a city called Iteawon and its jam packed with foreigners its like walking the streets in LA or something, there was a taco bell, quiznos and starbucks on like every corner, so it was fun.

We had another holiday this past tuesday for Buddha's birthday and so I got to experience a little Korean culture and we went to the National Museum of Korea, and that place was huge at least 2x bigger then the Getty in LA, had a nice time it was good to see other things besides party places haha. Even got to eat at Papa Johns, and it was sooo good tasted just like back home. I went to a DJ festival last weekend which was a lot of fun, everyone was just dancing, drinking and having a good time I am really glad that it worked out and I was able to go.

(a little decoration in my apt.)
--I bought some wall stickers to put up on my walls, thought it was going to be just on big sticker you put on, definitely not the case. Had to put it together piece by piece but I really like the way it turned out :) It perfect spot I am going to hang up any cards or pictures I get from Home here.

I am having a good time, learning a lot--not just about another culture but I am learning a lot about myself. It can be challenging at times, because in the end I'm by myself. Sure, I have made friends and they are all great but in reality I am here alone and I am so grateful to be a believer becuase I would be so lost without Gods love and strength. Everthing happens in Gods time and in his way so that is how I know this is the right thing and right place for met to be right now. God's love and grace are more then enough for me and really help me get through everything. I am thankful! Peace and Love :)

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11